On 16th November 2023, the Paleik Lake have been designated as an East Asian Australasian Flyway Network Site (EAAF – 154) by EAAF Secretaries. The East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership was officially launched on 6 November 2006, under 18 countries, 6 intergovernmental agencies, 13 international non – governmental organization, 1 international organization and 1 private enterprise. The Flyway Network Site refer an international important wetland sites with the aim of protecting over the 210 migratory water bird species, their habitats and the livelihood of people who rely on the Flyway.
The Paleik Lake is situated in Mandalay region and a natural freshwater oxbow lake with (480) ha. It connects with the Ayeyarwaddy River through the Myit Nge River and provides significant riverine ecosystem services to the agriculture by river irrigation process. It is recognized as Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) and Key Biodiversity Area (KBA). Mainly wetland habitats provide as food and shelter for globally threatened migratory waterbird species such as Baer’s Pochard (Aythya baeri) (CR), Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) (VU), and other more abundant species including Greylag Goose (Anser anser) (LC), Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus) (LC) and Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus) (NT) and also provides a breeding ground for other waterbird species.
The local communities are mainly reply on the riverine ecosystem services from the Paleik Lake for food production such as rice cultivation and growing seasonal crops around the lake margin and for fish farming in dry season. Therefore, the EAAF Secretaries designated the Paleik Lake (480) ha is the first one designation as a global flyway network in central Myanmar and 7 flyway sites in Myanmar.
Photos (Site & certificate)
Fig – 1: Paleik Lake’s wintering habitat
Fig – 2: Paleik Lake